Sovereign Tech Resilience
Sovereign Tech Resilience
Videos, Highlights, and Insights from the 2024 Bug Bounties and FOSS Event
Last autumn, we hosted an event in Berlin to celebrate the publication of our research report, Bug Bounties and FOSS: Opportunities, Risks, and a Path Forward, commissioned as part of the Sovereign Tech Resilience program. We're excited to now share videos of the keynotes and panel, the German version of the report, and a new job opening for the program.
Sovereign Tech Resilience
Calling All Security Researchers: Help Make Our Digital Infrastructure Safer
We're calling on security researchers to help enhance the resilience of open digital infrastructure. Participate in the bug & fix bounties of seven critical software projects.
Sovereign Tech Resilience
Join the Bug Resilience Program and get support for vulnerability management!
The Bug Resilience Program enhances the resilience of critical, free and open source software infrastructure against vulnerabilities. We’re now accepting applications on an ongoing basis to participate and take advantage of the services offered through the program.